About me

Hello! My name is Veronica Ciancarini aka Vespertiliu!
I’m an illustrator, comic artist and content creator from Italy with an obsession for bats and all things gothic and spooky. 

In 2018 my first graphic novel, “Bleeding Mariachi” was published in Italy by Edizioni BD, and in 2019 I graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome with a degree in set design for theatre. After working on short stories for different publishers, in 2021 Panini Comics published in Italy my second graphic novel “IL GROSSO” (the Big One) written by Daniele Daccò. In the same year I started working on my first webcomic “Nundead”, weekly published on the Instagram account @veronicartoon.
In 2022 I started working on my first Tarot Deck “VESPERTAROT” coming soon for Lo Scarabeo Tarot.

Since 2023 I’m teaching drawing techniques at the Pencil Art School in Rome and online and I’m currently working on new personal projects, as an illustrator for both privates and publishers, while creating content for the community of my social platforms.

For any job inquired request or informations, please feel free to reach out to me through my contacts.

– Veronica